The Story of MoneyThe Federal Reserve and Our Current Money System

Learn More About Money – What It Is &

How It Works For You or Against You

We use money every day of our lives. We may never leave home during the day, but we have spent money that day, through our bank accounts, credit cards or countless other ways. Can you answer the question…….

“Where does our money come from?”

We are seeing prices exploding in every aspect of our lives. The discussion of money is getting more and more intense as we are seeing what we have in our savings and checking accounts dwindle, without any evidence of a positive turn around in our economy.

The System Of Control Of Money

banksters, money, prices, federal reserves

The Federal Reserve is how our money gets printed and distributed. What role do they really play in our money system. The education system we use today does not really teach our children the true information about money. As students, graduate from school, they are forced to learn more about money and what efforts do they need to do to ensure they have enough money to live the kind of lives they hope to attain for the future.

money, federal reserve, prices

Take some time to watch this video and learn more about money, the substance that is so crucial for our well-being in this society we experience everyday. G. Edward Griffin is extremely knowledgeable and there are many videos on youtube and Rumble that will give you more information. The more we know, the smarter we can be about money, how we should work with it, and what is being done with it by those around us. This is important for our personal, security and well-being.

From the beginning of time, we have depended on currency of some sort. In the earlier days, we traded services and goods for what we needed to survive. In today’s world, many of us have traded our time for currency. What do we see for the future?

money, prices, Federal Reserve
Thanks to Geralt for image (Pixabay)

We are learning that there are those individuals in our society, that feel they own everything on this planet, including us, and beyond. For these individuals, We The People, do not matter, as we are insignificant. We are being told by some of these folks, “that we will own nothing and be happy.”

The truly unfortunate thing is that many of these people control much of the monetary operations, businesses, and companies around us and they have a very “well-planned out agenda” for control.

Have you really taken the time to think about their statement? I hope you have, and do take the time, to understand what this means for humanity, such as you and me. Discuss this with your friends and family. It is a good conversation to have with your friends, family and neighbors. Working together there is hope for all of us to discover a direction that can offer a plan of action for humanity’s protection, safety, survival and positive future.

When we think about our forefathers who created our original Constitution for the United States (based on God’s , we realize that it took courage for them to release the bonds from Europe that had enslaved them for years. Our forefather’s have given us a direction to follow for today. The unfortunate thing is that we have not been good stewards of their plan and we have let our government step all over our original freedoms, provided from the Creator that made us, by using corrupted statutes, presidential privileges, and their “legal” verses God’s Lawful rules.

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