constitution, bible and God-given rightsWe The People - Three words to remember -

America’s Constitution of 1776 was a huge undertaking for the fifty-six brave men, who signed the document. As we learn more about these men, we also begin to have a better understanding of the responsibilities they accepted through such an important endeavor. Standing to protect human beings’ God-given rights, within this young country required patience and the ability to envision a brave, new land.

The Following Website Page is from the National Liberty Alliance and provides Valuable Insight into Our Original Writers of The Constitution for The United States.

1776 constitution, bible, biblical, freedoms,

Out of all the recent information that I have read and watched of videos through The Great Awakening; the following information from National Liberty Alliance has shared information that has opened my eyes to who our forefathers were.

The truth about these men who signed our Declaration of Independence is very enlightening

The Bible Was Always Part Of The Discussion and Writing of The Constitution For The United States.

If you don’t have a clear understanding of the men who wrote The Constitution in 1776, you will begin to understand the importance of the Bible in all of their deliberations. They also started their discussions with a very lengthy prayer each time, so that God was part of every decision they made.

For those, like me, whose history lessons were very limited, the information I learned from the videos shown on the attached NLA’s website page told the story that our forefathers were strong believers in the bible. The Constitution that our forefathers created in 1776 was based on a strong belief in the Bible, and God’s presence was very strong within our original Constitution.

Common Law or God’s Law Found Within Our

We The People’s Declaration of Independence

Original image: Declaration_of_Independence_1819_by_John_Trumbull.jpeg

Constitutional Forefathers, God-given rights, Bible,
Declaration of Independence - 1819 John Trumbull scaled jpeg
We The People – Three words to remember God-given Rights – & Truth Will Set Us Free!

As Benjamin Franklin said so eloquently, it was always up to us to stand up and protect this God-based project for the good of the American people, by keeping and protecting our children and the Bible.

bible, the constitution, corruption

The Importance of God’s Law and The Bible to these men can not Be Denied when you learn how so many of these men were Pastors, themselves.

Check out the videos presented by David Barton and the important connection that our forefathers had to the Bible and the importance of America sanctifying God’s Law into existence for the people living in the newly formed, United States for America.

We need to bring the flag and the Bible back into our schools for generations to come to understand why their rights are important, and why they deserve their God-given freedoms. It is the key to protecting our rights for years to come.

We are beginning to understand how we have allowed those with control issues to take over our rights and call them privileges, and it is our responsibility to take these rights back. Without the God-given rights that come from our Creator, the future will not be the future that God intended.

bible, constitution, freedom corruption

Teach Your Children Their Constitutional Rights and make sure your children understand their God-given rights early to secure our Republic and keep the tyranny from the evil ones from gaining control of future generations.

Always Remember! We are NOT A DEMOCRACY!!!

We Are A Republic of the United States for America!!!

republic vs democracy the US is a republic, learn the tru and set yourself free

We Support The Patriot –

Find out how you and your family can be part of this great movement to protect our country and your family.

Just Say No To The Big Box Stores With Their Agendas

we the people - operation tomahawk shopping patriot

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