the plan, questions, agenda,

As things change, a person who has opened his eyes to what is happening around him, must question: What is the Plan all about? Of course, we understand that it is an Agenda, but who and why is this happening?

No matter where we live in this world we are seeing changes happening in our world. Many of the changes bring questions, if not concerns, about what is “The Plan” all about and who is behind the direction that our world seems to be heading.

For several years, now many of us have had questions about what we are seeing around us and the goal of these intentions. Is it really about climate change? Human beings’ carbon footprint, Our automobiles vs. bicycles, or even, how much our cattle release gas in the air? What about no more meat in our diets, humans eating bugs, expensive electric cars, and fifteen-minute cities?

As we begin to start to investigate,

something seems terribly wrong with our world!

This Plan Raises Questions For The Future of Living Men and Women

The Great Awakening

People begin to investigate more about “The Plan” as they become Awakened, in this time of The Great Awakening.

Doing Research, Ourselves, Is The Best Way To Learn

The problem with doing research is that we must learn where to look for the information and understand that much information is being hidden from us, and there are many sources, some of which do not give us the truth we seek.

Discernment of the truth is up to us.

We must not be afraid to learn, because it is the way we can protect ourselves from what “The Plan” is about. Knowing the truth can be disturbing, disruptive, and life-changing. However hard the truth is to hear and accept, we must protect and ensure the future of our way of life, the way we want it to be.

After learning what the Agenda is, according to those who have devised this Plan, it is not the way most people want their lives to operate, now or in the future.

The United States Constitution was created in 1776 for this purpose. Our Creator, gave us life, with the intention we would enjoy Life, Liberty, and The pursuit of Happiness. Our forefathers created the Constitution to protect this right of Freedom when they wrote The Constitution and America became a Republic.

Throughout the years, we have let our God-given rights be usurped. As an Awake group, we must not let “the plan” described above be implemented for all generations to come.

Remember what Benjamin Franklin said at the time the Original Constitution was published:

the plan, agenda, the great awakening

We The People Are Living Men and Women. The Original Constitution was Designed To Protect Our God-given Rights.

The Plans described above are not designed for living Men and Women, but by controlling individuals that see us as slaves. It is difficult to accept that so many of the people we trust and have trusted for so many years, believe in, and follow the plan described in the above video.

The plans outlined are not acceptable!

Therefore, it is up to us to make our, “We The People’s” agenda strong, by working together. Once we experience our own, Great Awakening, we begin to realize that those of us alive today are here for a very important reason:

To ensure that the Plans, as described above, are not implemented!

As living human beings, we are very creative, and coming together we have our Creator’s help, plus many other “We The People” to do just that! By working together to find positive, non-violent solutions within our towns and communities to rid ourselves of such, unlawful, anti-Constitutional actions against us, we can rid ourselves of the evil intended by Agenda 21 and Agenda 30/30.

Never Forget that your rights are unalienable, which means they

Cannot Be Taken Away, Sold, or Given Away!

! But You Must Remind Yourself Often, So You Do Not Lose Your Standing As a Free, Man or Woman!

Welcome to the Committee of Safety in Gila County, Arizona.

Please join us in this effort.

the plan, The Great Awakening Republic vs. Democracy

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