gila county cos, gila county committee of safety

Natural Law is the law of the land. What is the basic law that we all live by? Living in alignment with Natural Law brings us closer to the original way that the world’s people should act in accordance to live together happily and peacefully on this planet.

Most of us know, “Do Unto Others, as you would have them do unto you.” This is a very good natural law to live by. When natural law is in effect we are living within a system that is a self-perpetuating system of how God designed our system to work.

Natural Law- Laws Relate to Men and Women


What we are living in today is not based on the general tenants of Natural Law.

Our legal system has been designed by men, concentrating on commerce. Within a design of word adaptations (etymology), rules, statutes, and control over us, we the natural-born men and women have allowed our freedoms to be usurped, without our knowledge or understanding. Learning how, and when these changes occurred is important, but the most important thing for us to understand is there are two distinct life-altering effects on the lives we are experiencing.

Human Rights and Natural Law

natural law - human rights

Learning truths is not always easy. Once you know and once you inner-stand the differences between the two systems, it becomes your personal decision to create change in your life or accept what is happening in the world that affects you. You were given the rights of a free being at the time of your birth. These are called unalienable rights. As our Constitution puts it: “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.

What Do We Do? How Do We Move Forward With This Knowledge?

Now that we understand more about how the system works, what do we do? Knowledge is power and with knowledge comes important decisions. Each of us can find our answers inside.

We are glad you have visited our website and hope you will visit again soon. Our community is blessed with beauty, and wonderful neighbors, including those peaceful four-legged ones. We hope you will become part of the Committee of Safety to insure life in our area is enjoyed by all that live here. By working together, to support the Natural Laws that God has provided us and learning how we can help each other, Gila County can provide all of us with the community connections we need for the future freedoms we all want to enjoy.

Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing.

Gila County Committee of Safety

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