common law, we the people rights, unalienable rights, gods law,

the truth!

If we don’t know, it affects each of us “We The People”

(as an individual, living now),


The Corruption Will Continue To Affect All Newborn Americans to Come.

“We The People”.

constitution, we the people is our protection
We The People – Three words to remember -God Put his trust in us to be good stuards, of Land, Air, and Water. (L-A-W)

It is time for all of us to “Wake Up” and Open our Eyes and Hearts, to act on our own

Responsibility & Ability To………“Just say No!”

 Stop! Listen and Learn!!
The Constitution protects your freedom
Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Don’t be afraid of the truth. Face the truth of what you recognize about our Freedoms. What are the rights that God gave us when we were created? Learn what our forefathers did to protect us in the original Constitution, representing God’s intentions for us, and adopted in 1776.

Read The Original Constitution from the link below. It is not hard to read and it is relatively short, but still stands as a protection for all Americans today. Unfortunately, it has been usurped by those that want to control us, by changing our God-given rights, making them privileges, and generating profit from them.

Unalienable means the rights that cannot be taken from you, sold, or given away. These rights were given to you at birth, belong to you, and are protected for you in the original Constitution of 1776. It is up to the American people to return the powers that it holds for all Americans’ freedoms and rights given to us by the Creator who made us.

Download the PDF of the Constitution From

The Constitution

America flag, justice,

Learn how the Constitution adopted by men in 1871 only represents ten square miles, called Washington D.C. does not represent the “We The People” created by a loving God that has entrusted us We the People to protect.

As the following article explains, we have two constitutions. Our original Constitution protected The People’s rights and freedoms, given to them by their creator. You will also learn how ten square miles in Washington DC became a Corporation, which without any lawful justification, took control of our 1776 republic and quietly gained control of us the people, by creating a color of law, and birth certificate number for each of us. This unlawful system has been used for decades to create our lives as non-living men and women to gain the fruits of our labor.

It is hard to believe, but without this knowledge, we will all remain slaves to unscrupulous controllers who have found outlets to control us, keep us uninformed, and take control of our lives in many different ways.

we the people, constitution, freedoms, God given rights and unalignable rights to freedom including life liberty and the pursuit of happinestwo different constitutions

Learn the difference between the Law offered to us by our Creator and the “Color of Law” (Legal) created by men and women who want control, who have infiltrated our world and corrupted our Justice System, and our Lawful Rights, and in order to make us,…

“We The People” slaves.

Lawful = Natural Law, God’s Law,

Law – Defined By Black’s Law

(Color of Law = See Civil Rights Division)

The truth is difficult to learn, but imperative for us to save our world from being destroyed. The people need to know and understand how far away from a society in which we can live as free men and women we have come.

save the world, the matrix, justice
Time to Return To True Constitution for We The People
(Thanks to Geralt from Pixabay)

The time is now. We have lost so much already to these criminals that it will take all of us, working together to bring justice, back to the people.

Whether you agree with Trump or not, he is an individual who is ready to stand up for our rights. This is not a political war, this is a biblical war, with the future of the entire world at stake. Making our children slaves, stealing our freedoms, and causing pain and suffering to people of this world, from young to old is not the world most of us want to see. Most of the populations of the world want happy, healthy lives, with those they love and for those they don’t even know.

Natural Law, or God’s Law, is what was intended for God’s creations.

It is something for all of us to work toward.

we the people, committee of safety, freedom for Constitution
Learn, Share, and Work Together to save our Constitutional Rights
Thanks to Clicker-Free Vector Images from Pixabay

Visit Your Local Committee of Safety or start one in your Community. The time for We The People to act is now.

Our Gila County Committee of Safety is looking for new members to join. Please be sure to visit our meetings and learn more about how we can be part of Saving Our Constitutional Rights by working together.

gila county committee of safety.
Our Freedom is up to us. Get involved with your local committee of safety

Check out our Blogs:

we the people, constitution, lady liberty, broken justice system, constitutional rights, freedom,

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