lady liberty, broken justice system, constitutional rights, freedom,

Have You Experienced The American Justice System lately?

It appears to some of us that we are experiencing a broken justice system. With what we are seeing happening with the “Tale of Two Presidents”, it appears that we have a broken justice system at very high levels. We the people are experiencing the broken system firsthand when we experience the lack of common law or natural law if we are subpoenaed into a courtroom.

There seems to be a system of government that does not resemble the system that our forefathers fought so hard to establish for us when we were a new country just setting up laws to protect and preserve the God-given rights that our creator provided each of us. Over the years, we have seen changes made to the Constitution that have affected the structure of what our forefathers intended for our future. This has led us into a broken justice system that no longer represents “We The People”

The system of control that is being imposed on those living in our beautiful “land of the free” and “home of the brave.” does not appear to follow what we read in the original Common Law or Natural Law described in the original Constitution.

broken justice system, constitution, freedom, common law, committee of safety, gila county

Benjamin Franklin said these words to Mrs. Powell when he first came out of the room with the others signing our Constitution in 1776. It is unfortunate, but Ben knew what he was talking about those two hundred years ago. Some people believe we are a democracy, but the truth is the united states was designed to be a republic of states working together for the good of all “We The People.”

republic vs. democracy

Our founding fathers went to great lengths to ensure that the united coalition of states remained a Land of Free Men and Women created by a Creator and governed by the Maxims of one God.

Our forefathers understood the risks that creating a federal government entailed. It is the nature of men to want power and control and that was the fear our forefathers faced and had in mind when they created the safeguards in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. We are experiencing situations today that prove our forefathers were correct in their fears. We are watching our freedoms and rights disappear before our very eyes by letting our broken courtrooms continue making unlawful changes to our justice system.

Be sure to watch at least the first video on the following link from PBS:

We The People: CONSTITUTION: USA with Peter Sagal

While you are on the Website: You can also download The Constitution From The Website.

Over the years we have allowed our representatives to make changes or adaptations to the Constitution. This has led to America’s broken justice system. These changes were made with statutes, executive orders, and legal or “color of law” rulings. As I have read and even experienced the results of some of these changes myself, and through friends, family, or acquaintances, I see the damage done by letting the nature of men or women with a lust for power or control change some of the important protections within the original documents.

The justice system shows no exception to these problems. As a matter of fact, the following list of the differences in what the Constitution was designed to protect for us, “we the people” is being totally ignored by statutes, executive orders, and unlawful actions being infiltrated into our court system. One reason for this is lack of education regarding our God-given rights and another is compliance due to ignorance of our lawful rights. Lack of knowledge, misrepresentation of the truth by the media, and controlling powers over our education system are to blame.

One specific instance of these changes is explained in the following video

It is time for a Wake Up Call for all of us. Deception is the name of the game for those that want to control. After reading the discrepancies between what is truly happening in our courtrooms, you can understand that we have a broken justice system.

Constitutional Law (God’s Law, Natural Law, Common Law, or God’s Maxims)Admiralty Law or Equity Law Practices in Contemporary Courtrooms
1. All individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty.1. The burden of proof may shift to the accused to prove innocence.
2. Right to trial by jury.2. Increased reliance on plea bargains, reducing jury trials.
3. Habeas corpus: Protection against unlawful detention.3. Writs of habeas corpus may be limited or restricted.
4. Right to confront and cross-examine witnesses.4. Witness testimony may be limited or restricted.
5. Protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.5. Increased use of surveillance and invasive search practices.
6. Right to legal representation and counsel.6. Limited access to legal representation for certain defendants.
7. Protection against self-incrimination.7. Pressure to provide self-incriminating information.
8. Right to a speedy and public trial.8. Delays and backlogs leading to lengthy court proceedings.
9. Jury nullification: Power of the jury to acquit despite the evidence.9. Limited instructions on jury nullification or its suppression.
10. Prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.10. Controversial practices like solitary confinement.
11. Right to due process and equal protection under the law.11. Disparities in access to justice and legal resources.
12. Protection against double jeopardy: No retrial for the same offense.12. Retrials and multiple charges for the same offense.
13. Right to a public and transparent judicial process.13. Closed-door proceedings or secrecy in certain cases.
14. The law is fixed and objective, applied equally to all.14. Judicial discretion and subjective interpretations of the law.
15. Protection of property rights.15. Eminent domain and asset forfeiture laws may infringe on property rights.
16. Limited government powers; individual sovereignty.16. Expansive government powers, regulatory agencies, and bureaucracy.
17. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.17. International treaties and agreements may override constitutional provisions.
18. Local control and states’ rights.18. Centralization of power and federal regulations.
19. Separation of powers: Checks and balances among branches of government.19. Executive orders and administrative rule-making.
20. Originalism: Interpreting the Constitution as intended by the framers.20. Living constitutionalism: Interpreting the Constitution as adaptable to societal changes.

Please note that this list presents a simplified overview, and the nuances and complexities of both constitutional law and contemporary legal practices can vary. The interpretation and application of these principles can differ based on specific cases, jurisdictions, and legal frameworks.

Courtroom justice, courthouse justice, lawful judicial courts.

By changing the meanings of words and using fearful tactics, those seeking control have manipulated our courtrooms, and our laws from God-given maxims to Legal (or man-made color-of-law rules and regulations), and taken control of “We The People’s” God-given rights.

Our education system has been used to dumb us down to the unrecognizable, secretive language that is used in order to control us. In our courtrooms, you will hear questions like:

“Do you understand?

Do you realize that the words berth (birth), dock (doctor), and bills of lading (registration of live birth) are all interchangeable with a child coming into this world? This is how you are being brought into an Admiralty Law jurisdiction court. Be sure to notice the gold fringe on the United State flag.

As a newly born child, you were born as a Child of God, with God-given unalienable rights. After your parents filled out the Birth certificate, you became a ward of the Corporation of the United States Government. (This was explained in the Karen Hudes video, posted above.)

At the Gila County Committee of Safety Meetings we are dedicated to helping our neighbors understand their God-given rights. As a community, we are committed to working together with our friends, families, and neighbors to protect and enjoy our rights. We are about education and sharing with each other valuable information.

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.

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