the constitution - the committee of safety, Gila County

When the Gila County Committee of Safety, first opened its doors, people asked:

“What is a Committee of Safety?”

To answer the question, we turned to Wikipedia and found the information below. As members of the National Liberty Alliance, some of us had read about Committees of Safety before and also Committees of Correspondence.

As our early forefathers found themselves in uncharted territory, they were forced to work together to create a system of working together for protection, finding the best approach to living and working together, and especially protecting one another from the many dangers of living in an undeveloped world.

Thanks to Wikipedia for the information, which is explained in very easy-to-understand language for each one of us. Today we face many different, yet dangerous issues and by working together we can find our answers together. We appreciate the fact that Wikipedia has provided such great information for our community and other communities that are looking for answers today.

Committee of safety (American Revolution). (2022, November 23). In Wikipedia.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
In the American Revolution, committees of correspondence, committees of inspection (also known as committees of observation), and committees of safety were different local committees of Patriots that became a shadow government; they took control of the Thirteen Colonies away from royal officials, who became increasingly helpless.[1]

In Massachusetts, as affairs drew toward a crisis, it became usual for towns to appoint three committees: of correspondence, of inspection, and of safety.[2] The first was to keep the community informed of dangers either legislative or executive, and concert measures of public good; the second to watch for violations of non-importation agreements[clarify], or attempts of loyalists to evade them; the third to act as general executive while the legal authority was in abeyance. In February 1776 these were regularly legalized by the Massachusetts General Court but consolidated into one called the “Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety” to be elected annually by the towns.

Be sure to follow the Wikipedia Link above to read more.

Interesting Timeline for Revolutionary Battles:

Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing.

Gila County Committee of Safety –

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