geoengineering, crisis, deadly

Living on the Gulf Coast as a child, I was very use to hurricanes. I remember my parents speaking of “Seeding The Clouds”, when we would watch airplanes flying over our heads. This was especially evident during hurricane season. Geoengineering has been part of our world for many, many years.

As I began to grow up and ask more questions, I remember my parents discussing the importance of our government controlling our weather, in order to “protect us from these dangerous storms”.

Most of us trusted our governments, people who worked for our government, and we believed what was being told us about why we were seeing these planes doing this cloud seeding.

Over the years, and especially in the current ten or twenty years, we have seen these clouds in our skies change, grow and expose very interesting patterns in the sky. Geoengineering has advanced and become more deadly through the years. Recently, many times, our skies, have been completely covered with clouds, which seemed to have occured after we watched airplanes cross the entire visible sky and we could no longer see blue skies behind them. We were told these were strictly “con trails” and quite natural when we have so many airplanes flying people to new locations everyday. is an excellent source to learn more.

Below I have shared information from, which is also an excellent source from Dane Whittington, who has researched the information regarding Geoengineering and it’s cover-up for many, many years.

It is Time For Us To Know The Truth


Many of us now understand what has been happening through these many years, and as we do so, we become engaged in letting people know about this crisis happening in our skies. Dane Whittington has been around for years and continues to try to open people’s eyes to this deadly crisis.

We are seeing more and more damage done to our planet, our health, our well-being and the future of our world. Please share what you have learned from the videos above to help others understand what is being done to each one of us and their offspring.

geoengineering, clouds, deadly

Knowledge is the key. It takes opening our eyes, ears and heart to hearing things we may wish we didn’t know in order to provide a future for the planet. This is not only a problem here in America, but worldwide. Please take the time to listen to the Geoengineering video above. It may save lives for new generations of worldwide families of animals, humans and living organisms around the world.

Sharing can make a difference. Although knowledge about this issue has been around a long time, there are many that need to know. The future depends upon it.

geoengineering, crisis, deadly.

My attention was called back to this geoengineering issue we have been facing for so long, because of the deadly hurricanes we are facing at this time. There is a reason and there is evil intentions behind what our fellow humans are experiencing. It is up to us to learn and understand, with an open heart, belief in a God that loves us, and love and compassion for those that are suffering at this moment. Evil has bad intentions and together we must work together to overcome the plans that they have in place for us.

Prayers and Blessings to you all. Please share with others and make your voice be heard.

Take Care and God Bless.

geoengineering, deadly, crisis

Breaking News: 10/09/2024. from X

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