The first Great Awakening

A Divine Call to Awake -(The First Great Awakening)

In the year 1741, the winds of spiritual awakening swept across the American colonies, driven by a sermon that ignited hearts and forged a path for a nation. This was what is called today, The First Great Awakening.

Jonathan Edwards, with his fiery words in the sermon now known as “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” beckoned the colonists to deeply examine their souls, awaken to the divine presence, and embrace the formidable power of faith. The first Great Awakening was born, a movement that, much like the sermon itself, shook the very foundations of complacency and enkindled a desire for spiritual renewal across the land.

The Flame of Unity and Faith

Joining Jonathan Edwards in this charge was George Whitefield, and others whose voice traversed the colonies, echoing the urgent call to return to God. Through fervent preaching, Whitefield united towns and communities, weaving them together in a shared tapestry of faith. As creeds crumbled, God rose to the forefront, not as a distant figurehead, but as the nucleus of life and community, stitching neighbors together with threads of divine love and purpose.

The movement spurred not only a religious revival but also penetrated into the very social fabric of burgeoning America. It brought with it essential shifts in perspective; it was a time when the lines of class and denomination began to whither, offering instead a vision of spiritual equality, where all were seen as equals in the eyes of God

God’s presence became an important aspect of towns and colonies during this time in our nation’s history.

The people realized how important God was to their life and building the foundation for laws, rights and the freedoms they were seeking in this new land. They understood that without God’s given laws (which at the time were called maxims of law), their new found freedoms could be taken from them in future generations.

The importance of “not going back” to living with such rules of tyranny and control was vital. The people were ready to fight to protect their new freedoms of life, given by God’s almighty grace to his creations.

first great awakening, Jesus, God-given rights

There was a sense of the Divine Presence at the writing of the Original Constitution

The writer’s of the original Constitution, knew that they must incorporate God’s loving gifts into their writing with extreme forethought, to protect future generations from loss of God’s intentional gifts.

It is said that St. Germaine was part of the original signing of the Constitution for the united states in 1776.

Inspirations for the Nation’s Foundation

Spurred by this awakening, a generation founded on the principles of divine guidance stepped forward to draft the Constitution of 1776. The awakening instilled the belief that freedom, democracy, and rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were God-given and thus inalienable. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, living in the midst of these spiritual currents, understood the potency of a government that acknowledges God’s laws as its cornerstone.

first great awakening, Jesus, constitution

By infusing our early laws with the spirit of this awakening, they laid a divine tapestry for governance, showcasing that true liberty is birthed not from human decree but from the laws of a higher power. It is a call to respect life and liberty not as mere policies but as sacred rights bestowed upon humankind.

The Call for Renewal Today -2024

In our modern world, where disunity and disconnection often dominate, the echoes of the first Great Awakening remind us of the need for a return to spiritual roots. Just as Edwards and Whitefield called for introspection and unity under God, today we are beckoned to explore how integrating God in our lives can draw us closer, dissolving societal barriers and sowing seeds of understanding.

In the year 1741, the winds of spiritual awakening swept across the American colonies, driven by a sermon that ignited hearts and forged a path for a nation. Jonathan Edwards, with his fiery words in the sermon now known as “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” beckoned the colonists to deeply examine their souls, awaken to the divine presence, and embrace the formidable power of faith. The first Great Awakening was born, a movement that, much like the sermon itself, shook the very foundations of complacency and enkindled a desire for spiritual renewal across the land.

the first awakening, jesus

A Divine Call to Awake

Awaken once more to the presence of divine love, and remember that lawful governance is but a beacon of God’s laws reigning within our hearts. Let us uphold the God-given rights of life, liberty, and happiness with unwavering conviction, knowing we are all knitted together as equals in the design of the Creator. Achieving true awakening is a clarion call to reestablish our divine connections, making tangible the spiritual unity that has guided us through generations.

There is a sense of needing more devine guidance in today’s world. There are many questions we need to have answers, to and the best source for people is to look to their higher power for help, assistance and knowledge. Please share this article with those you love and those you don’t know. There is great need for unity, love and compassion.

republic not democracy. God given rights, freedoms,

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God Bless and Wishing You Much Love and Happiness in your Future.

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