tide, we the people, remedy

The Tide Is Turning and the Law is in “We The People’s” Favor! Learn the truth about how our rights have been usurped, watch the video below. Dave Jose and his followers know and understand the truth. Common Law is God’s Law. The remedy is found, for what has been happening to God’s children, through non-lawful actions. Find out more from the video below.

The truth has become difficult to find when it comes to the word “Lawful”. We have been taught to view legal as lawful, but this is not true. God’s law is lawful, but man’s statues and changes from our original Constitution, as written so long ago, are not truly God’s Law.

It is up to “We The People”. There is a plan to correct what has been a travesty against the American people. God’s Law has been there all along for those who have the eyes to see and the courage to take action. Common Law is God’s Law. The highest law of the land.

It is easy to see why our Pledge of Alligience was removed from school systems and that we no longer have civics classes in many classrooms today. By instituting the ability to write statutes, our true rights have become “priviledges”, not the inalienable rights that were protected for us in the original Constitution.

We Are Excited To Learn About Remedy For We The People

We are blessed indeed, that a man named David Jose, who studied his Bible, understands what true rights exist for each one of us that God created and the theft of our sovereign rights from God throughout the years. Dave Jose has been sharing the truth of how our forefathers incorporated a protection of the rights that God wanted to be upheld for his children and has taken the time to bravely tackle informing each and every one of us. We are blessed that he has shared with us the truth and with another brave representative Judge Gorsuch, who is sharing the truth with the judges, lawyers, and other representatives in order to bring rightful justice into our courtrooms.

tide, remedy, we the people, BAR judges act in De facto law in the court and are unlawful. Our God Given rights are justice

The Form that Jarrin Jackson talks about can be found below.

We Have Remedy!

broken justice system, constitution, freedom, common law, committee of safety, gila county

“We The People” Have Protection of our God-given Rights

common, remedy, natural law

Be Sure To Learn More –

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There Is Remedy!

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Be Sure to Check Out: Common Law: There Is Remedy

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