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The term “patriot” is frequently used, perhaps excessively so. Most leading dictionaries define it similarly as someone who loves and supports their country. However, the history and development of this word reveal a more complex picture.

The term “patriot,” which originates from the Greek word patrios, meaning “of one’s father,” was initially used without any subjective connotation. When someone favored and supported a regime that matched the speaker’s views, the word “good” was typically appended to “patriot” to clarify the speaker’s position.

In England, the term “patriot” began to be used without any qualifiers and came to mean someone who supported the monarchy. In essence, being a “patriot” signified being an advocate for the current government.

love country, patriots, rights

Fighting For Freedom & Representative Government

However, it wasn’t long before England’s rebellious colonists in the Americas muddled the original meaning. For them, a patriot was someone aligned with the revolutionaries. In this context, being a patriot meant opposing the current government. Despite this shift, patriots were still advocating for their emerging nation and its representative government, so the term retained some degree of consistency.

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Founding Fathers of the United States. (2023, March 28). In Wikipedia.

The idea that patriotism was distinct from supporting the government, and could even involve opposing that government, persisted. Thomas Jefferson eloquently expressed this sentiment in a letter to William Stephens Smith, stating, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

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What Are Patriots Fighting For?

This presents an issue. When patriotism is equated with fighting for “liberty” instead of one’s government, it essentially translates to “fighting for what I believe in.” Likewise, it suggests that those who hold different views are incapable of being patriots.

In that context, the term “patriot” is typically seen as a positive label. However, over the years, it has frequently been adopted by groups often associated with right-wing ideologies. This ranges from the relatively mainstream “Tea Party Patriots” of the late 2000s to the occasionally aggressive factions within the “Patriot Movement.”

patriots, love country, rights

The conflicting interpretations of the word “patriot” have recently been spotlighted in the news. During his presidency, Donald Trump often called his fervent followers “patriots,” a designation they eagerly accepted. His supporters considered themselves “patriots” both when backing the elected government before the election, and when challenging it during the events of January 6.

This interpretation of “patriot” is only logical if one accepts that patriots align with a single political ideology.

While some individuals might accept it, this perspective contradicts the historical context of both the term and the United States itself. For instance, take Pat Tillman—although he might not have been strictly liberal, he wasn’t conservative either. Nonetheless, he chose to swap his football jersey for an Army uniform and ultimately made the ultimate sacrifice.

Our Forefathers Understood Our Rights of Liberty and

Independence From Government Control

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America is a Republic – Not A Democracy

We are blessed to live in a country where our forefathers had a vision to protect the rights we so dearly appreciate. It is important for people to learn and know their God-given rights. It is unfortunate, indeed, that we have let our younger generations grow without this knowledge. That is one reason we are experiencing the problems we are today.

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Each state has its own Constitution. It is important for all persons to know what rights are theirs, given by God, because some government representatives and others are imposing restrictions on our rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness that God has given us. Below you will find a link to learn more about our rights, here in the United States and also a link to the Arizona State Constitution, please read and share with others, especially our younger generations. (You can find a list of them on the link below.)

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