republic vs democracy the US is a republic, learn the tru and set yourself free


You Must Tell The Court!!!

I Require A Jury Trial!

or your rights will be ignored!!!

God-given rights, constitution, trial by jury,
trial by jury, freedom, God-given right, jury of your peers

America is a Republic, designed to operate under Common Law (God’s Law). We are not a democracy!

Our forefathers did not want a democratic form of government, believed in God’s Law, and established Common Law as the best form of government for We The People. God’s Law can be found in The Bible. When we look at the Maxims of Law, we are provided the rules Our Creator intended for us to live by.

View The Ten Maxims of Law Here

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We The People in the United States are a Republic, not a democracy. It is amazing how many people in the U.S. believe we are a Democracy. The forefathers understood that a democratic form of government does not last.

Today we hear the word democracy so much, that it is hard for our young ones to learn that the united States for America was created as a Republic.

Republic, democracy, freedoms

God's law, freedoms, common law, Declaration of Independence - 1819 John Trumbull scaled jpeg

Our Forefathers were very smart men and there were many discussions about how to proceed with the writing of a Constitution that could protect a new, young, fledgling country.

How is it that we have moved so far away from Common Law or God’s Law?

God gave his people dominion over Land, Air, and Water.

Begin To Ask Yourself These Important Questions.

We the people, Gods Law, trial by jury
Questions For We The People to ask themselves!!!!

Why do we see our courtrooms being ruled by people who have signed pledged agreements to the British Accredited Registry, such as our attorneys, lawyers, and judges; or Maritime Law, which favors Kings and Queens’ rule?

If God gave “We The People” dominion over Land, Air and Water…..Why are we not able to use our God-given, “We The People” power today?

How did this happen and what can we do about it?

One solution is for “We The People” to learn more about the fact that as a Republic there are rules about “attorneys” and “lawyers” and the capacity of their ruling power in the courtroom.

We the people, jury of our peers, freedom, God-given rights, Constitution
Thanks to Geralt for image (Pixabay)

As I read the Constitution of 1776, I began to innerstand that when lawyers, attorneys, judges, and other officials sign an oath to an organization or group, such as the British Affiliation Registry (BAR), this oath does not make them loyal to their fellow American. or to the spirit of independence and freedom. The lawyer or attorney you hire does not sign an oath to protect his or her clients, but the oath he or she signs ties their loyalty to the “ruling authorities”, not the living, human beings created by the one that made us. This fact can have a devastating effect when people hire a lawyer or attorney to help them with a court case or expect to hear a fair ruling in a courtroom, where a judge is making a decision regarding the case. It is also known that the judges are paid a percentage of monies they bring in for the court and of course, the lawyers and attorneys are paid by their clients and at the end of some court cases.

As a reminder, a living human man or woman, we are entitled to a proper trial; this does not mean a judge making a “judgment” regarding our life, liberty, and happiness. Our unalienable rights are protected by the original Constitution of 1776, which should not be confused with the Constitution of 1871, which only applies to the section of ten square miles, incorporating Washington D.C., or the United States of America Corporation.

republic, common law, democracy, free men and women

A proper trial encompasses a jury of twelve living men and women, making up a jury of your peers. These people are not to be chosen by the lawyers or judges. As a matter of fact, you can bring your own jury of men and women to the trial.

It is very unfortunate that our judicial system has been so corrupted and infiltrated by those who want to control us. It is also extremely unfortunate that our schools have eliminated civics education, the pledge of allegiance, and prayer time to the creator of each one of us. Education is vital for our youth to understand their God-given rights, are not privileges given by the government.

Our government only has the authority that We The People have given to them.

constitution, we the people is our protection
We The People – Three Important words to remember – We Are A Republic- Not a Democracy
republic not democracy.  God given rights, freedoms,

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