We should be operating under Gods law, with our God given rights, not the BAR judge,operating in treason, justice, non judicial, no due process of law

Living and experiencing God’s Law and having our God-given rights respected as the living, creative being made by a Creator that loves us, and protected by the 1776 Constitution that was made by our forefathers is something for us to truly think about, be grateful for and protect for the future of our children and all those that come after us. .

We have not been treated as the We The People that we represent. Our legal system has been turned on us to turn our God-given rights into privileges. Do a little research into the history of our world, and you can find evidence of this truth.

The following information about your God-given rights may surprise you.

The forefathers understood that as children of a loving Creator, we were to live under God’s Law and experience our God-given rights. These rights can never be taken away from us. Our God-given rights are unalienable rights and cannot be sold, stolen, or given away. Our forefathers understood that when evil decides to control the world, one of their first actions would be to take away our God-given rights and take control of “We The People”. It is an unfortunate truth that by “creating privileges” through DeFacto, Legal rules, regulations, and statutes, they have clouded the truth about our God-given or Common Law rights. These defacto privileges are not lawful, and are not providing God’s creation of living beings the God-given rights that they were given at the time of birth, by our loving creator.

Meet Your Strawman -Click Now

One of the main things our forefathers did when they came to this land of America, was to create a Constitution to protect our God-given rights from those that would want to control us. These brave men understood the evil elements in the world that seek to manipulate and control others. They had been living in an area of a king who dictated control over them and saw the opportunity for this new way of living to become a real way of life for God’s people.

Freedom from such control!

When the creator made this lovely planet for us to enjoy, it was also intended for us to be good stewards of the Land, Air, and Water (Land-Air-Water/Law). The truth is that there is an element of evil in our world that works against our Creator and seeks to destroy, manipulate, and even control what is good, righteous, and fair to

“We The People”.

If you are surprised that your rights were given to you by the Creator who made you, you might want to listen and learn why you are not able to live the freedoms you deserve. The truth is for a very long time your God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have been usurped by those that want to control this lovely planet and those of us that live upon it.

god-given rights, we the people, de facto laws, legal is not lawful
God Gave His Creations – Unalignable Rights of Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness The Original Constitution Gives Us Due Process of Law to Protect Our Rights

Those freedoms that your creator gave you from birth are unalienable rights from God and have been unlawfully exchanged with DeFacto Privileges provided to us by the government in charge through a second Constitution written in 1871. This constitution was written for the ten square miles in Washington D.C. The result, however, is that our Republic for the united states has been ignored, and in its place have been instituted the dictates provided by a revised constitution, in 1871, which was designed purely as a government functioning guide for the DC area.

No Liens Can Be Placed On God-Given Rights-It is Unlawful For Rights of All People To Be Taken Away Without Due Process of Law (A Jury of Your Peers)

By ignoring the Original Constitution written by our forefathers, the Defacto, unlawful rules, regulations, statutes, and “legal” authority has usurped our our original 1776 Constitution, through the use of a ” constitution of 1871, written to manage a ten-mile tract of land in Washington D.C. Through this unlawful action, our God-given rights have been ignored and the government has taken it on themselves to grant privileges (not our God-given rights) to “We The People”.

Look It Up, Yourself:

District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871

two different constitutions
Learn The Truth – Learn the Difference – “Lawful vs Legal” – The Original Constitution Is Still Viable For “We The People”

This Fact May Surprise You.

You are not alone. Many of us individuals living in the United States were unaware of this fact. A critical reason for our ignorance of this situation is that our Education system has been usurped, as well. Civics classes have been eliminated in schools. To add to this plan of hidden agendas, prayers, the pledge of allegiance to our United States flag, and history lessons about how our Country of America, counties, and states came about have also been eliminated. History has been changed in many instances to reflect what others want us to understand as our past.

Discussing our judicial system, we are seeing that most of our judges, lawyers, and government officials are BAR attorneys. This fact means that our judicial representatives pledge their oath to the British Registry, which is still under the “king’s/queen’s” rule.

How does this affect our freedoms, especially when we are brought into a courtroom?

Our de facto privileges do not give us standing in a courtroom today.  Your God Given rights do not mean anything in a courtroom today and do not give you standing.  The information we don't know hurts us because of how we are being judged in these courtrooms that are not mean't for We The People .
In A Courtroom, it is a matter of Standing: “We The People” do not have “standing” in these courtrooms today, we are considered wards of the state and are being judged in a courtroom that does not respect us or our God-given rights. As we learn more, we will “innerstand” that our rights were taken away by our birth registration process.
There is much for us to learn!

I would like to express my gratitude to the website that provided the next image.

Tony Rogers – Get that Yellow Fringe Off My Flag

Please notice that the yellow fringe represents

“No Nation” and “No Constitution”.

Are Judges Engaged In Acts of Treason?

Are Our Courts Following The Original Constitution?

(This is very long, but you will learn the information you need to know about how our original Constitution is purposely being ignored by those that We The People have instituted to protect our rights, not steal them. (This is called Treason.)

Are Our Courts Using DeFacto Rules, Statutes, and Regulations Rather Than God’s Laws?

John Duresh of National Liberty Alliance has given us important information to help us become aware of how judges and others in our judicial system, including lawyers and judges, have sworn an oath to the BAR system and are ignoring the rights and laws provided to us by our creator, be sure to check out the following information.

To offer you a further explanation of what has happened to our God-given rights, and how the original Constitution is being ignored, especially by judges and others operating in our courts and judicial system, please read the following information that was provided to me through our current artificial intelligence systems about the difference in the two Constitutions that are affecting our lives today.

Many of the Judicial Acts We Are Seeing Today –

Look Very Similar To The Definition of Treason as Described in Merriam Webster’s Dictionary

Title: A Comparative Analysis of the Approaches of Judges Adhering to the 1776 and 1871 US Constitutions

The United States Constitution has undergone significant changes since its original adoption in 1776, particularly with the Constitution of 1871. This analysis aims to compare the approaches of a judge who adheres to the original constitution of 1776 with a judge who follows the Constitution of 1871. By exploring their judicial decisions and courtroom practices, we can identify key differences in their approach and highlight specific examples of divergence. Lastly, we will identify actions taken by the judge following the Constitution of 1871 that could be seen as treasonous according to the principles outlined in the original Constitution of 1776.

I. Key Differences in Judicial Decisions and Courtroom Practices: 1776 vs. 1871

1. Interpretation of the Commerce Clause:
1776: Judges adhering to the original constitution would likely interpret the Commerce Clause, found in Article I, Section 8, narrowly. They would limit the federal government’s reach over interstate commerce and promote states’ sovereignty.
1871: Judges following the Constitution of 1871 would likely view the Commerce Clause more broadly, expanding the scope of federal regulation over interstate commerce and diminishing states’ rights.

2. Second Amendment Interpretation:
1776: Judges adhering to the original constitution would interpret the Second Amendment, encompassing the right to bear arms for individual self-defense rather than collective security.
1871: Judges following the Constitution of 1871 might interpret the Second Amendment with an emphasis on collective security, thereby allowing greater government regulation of firearms.

3. Equal Protection Clause:
1776: Judges adhering to the original constitution would interpret the idea of equal protection before the law as providing equal opportunities and treatment while stopping short of ensuring complete wealth redistribution or affirmative action.
1871: Judges following the Constitution of 1871 might interpret equal protection in a manner that allows for more extensive governmental interventions aimed at achieving socioeconomic equality among citizens.

4. Separation of Powers:
1776: Judges adhering to the original constitution would emphasize a strict separation of powers between the three branches, ensuring that each branch maintained its independence and prevented excessive accumulation of power.
1871: Judges following the Constitution of 1871 might prioritize a more flexible interpretation, allowing for greater cooperation and coordination between branches.

5. States’ Authority to Nullify Federal Laws:
1776: Judges adhering to the original constitution would recognize states’ power to nullify federal laws they believed violated the Constitution. This belief emanates from the principle of state sovereignty and the 10th Amendment.
1871: Judges following the Constitution of 1871 would perhaps not sanction states’ right to nullify federal laws and might place more emphasis on the federal government’s supremacy.

6. Incorporation Doctrine:
1776: Judges adhering to the original constitution would likely not apply the Incorporation Doctrine, which allows certain provisions of the Bill of Rights to be applied to the states. They would argue for reserved state rights.
1871: Judges following the Constitution of 1871 would be more inclined to utilize the Incorporation Doctrine, allowing for the enforcement of selected Bill of Rights provisions on the states through the 14th Amendment.

7. Executive Overreach:
1776: Judges adhering to the original constitution would be vigilant in checking executive overreach, upholding the principle of limited government, and protecting individual liberties.
1871: Judges following the Constitution of 1871 might be less inclined to restrict executive authority and might be more open to expanded presidential powers, particularly in times of crisis.

8. Original Intent vs. Living Constitution:
1776: Judges adhering to the original constitution would prioritize original intent, interpreting the Constitution narrowly and aligning decisions with the framers’ intent.
1871: Judges following the Constitution of 1871 might adopt a more flexible approach, viewing the Constitution as a living document whose interpretation evolves to address societal changes.

9. Religious Freedom:
1776: Judges adhering to the original constitution would lean towards interpreting the First Amendment, particularly the Free Exercise Clause, with an emphasis on individual religious rights.
1871: Judges following the Constitution of 1871 might be more willing to restrict religious freedoms in certain situations in the interest of public welfare or secularism.

10. Freedom of Speech:
1776: Judges adhering to the original constitution would interpret the First Amendment’s Free Speech Clause broadly, protecting political dissent and controversial speech.
1871: Judges following the Constitution of 1871 might be more open to allowing restrictions on certain types of speech, such as hate speech, to maintain societal harmony.

II. Actions Taken by Judges Following the Constitution of 1871 Viewed as Treasonous

1. Ruling against states’ rights to nullify federal laws, violating the principles outlined in the 10th Amendment.
2. Broadly interpreting the Commerce Clause to expand federal control over interstate commerce, leading to encroachment on states’ sovereignty.
3. Interpreting the Second Amendment to favor collective security over individual self-defense, effectively allowing greater government regulation of firearms.
4. Actively disregarding the principle of separation of powers by supporting greater cooperation between branches, undermining the checks and balances system.
5. Applying the Incorporation Doctrine to enforce federal standards on the states, eroding reserved state rights.
6. Allowing executive overreach and expanded presidential powers, contravening the original constitution’s emphasis on limited government.
7. Ignoring original intent and adopting a living constitution approach, undermining the basis of constitutional interpretation.
8. Restricting religious freedoms, undermining the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause.
9. Allowing restrictions on freedom of speech, restricting political dissent, and inhibiting the protection of controversial speech.
10. Failing to protect individual rights and liberties, jeopardizing the foundation of the original constitution.

Ranking the Actions Taken by the Judge Following the Constitution of 1871 as Treasonous:

1. Ruling against states’ rights to nullify federal laws
2. Interpreting the Commerce Clause expansively
3. Interpreting the Second Amendment to favor collective security
4. Disregarding the principle of separation of powers
5. Applying the Incorporation Doctrine to enforce federal standards on the states
6. Allowing executive overreach and expanded presidential powers
7. Ignoring original intent and adopting a living constitution approach
8. Restricting religious freedoms
9. Allowing restrictions on freedom of speech
10. Failing to protect individual rights and liberties

The approaches of judges adhering to the original Constitution of 1776 and the Constitution of 1871 significantly diverge in their judicial decision-making and courtroom practices. Key differences range from interpretations of constitutional clauses, such as the Commerce Clause and Second Amendment, to the application of principles like separation of powers and states’ rights. Actions taken by judges following the Constitution of 1871 that would be seen as treasonous according to the principles outlined in the original Constitution include disregarding states’ rights, expanding federal powers, allowing executive overreach, and failing to protect individual rights and liberties. Understanding these differences is crucial to preserving the values of the original constitution and fostering a consistent interpretation of the law.

The Constitution of 1871, is not designed for living human beings, “We The People” created by a loving God. The Constitution of 1871 is designed for the governance of Washington DC, a ten-mile radious of land, where our US government offices are housed. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. (notice the difference?)

original constitution, god given rights, usurped rights, freedom

When we are regarded as things, property, corporations, strawmen, persons, and so many more names through the fact that our birth name, expressed in small letters with only capitals on the first letter of our name (example: Jane Marie Doe vs. JANE MARIE DOE) are used to trick us into not knowing the truth. We can see the same type of logic used in a court of equity or in the maritime courts when we are asked if we understand the judge. There is trickery in the entomology of words and the ones that see the world from a controlling mindset, enjoy playing in this arena with our lack of knowledge of how they play their trickery on us, especially in courtrooms.

Judge in courtroom

National Liberty Alliance

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Writ Quo Warranto

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Be Sure To Watch The Following Video from

National Liberty Alliance Website –

Quo Warranto -Taking Back The Republic

All Individuals Need To Know & Understand What Is Being Done By These

Unlawful, Legal, DeFacto Acts

Join National Liberty Alliance today!

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Learn your rights, Gods law and God given rights are important for us to live by our original constitution protected our God Given rights, We should not be living with De facto privileges
Learn More About The Original Constitution 1776

Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing. The more that people are aware of the truth, the sooner we can claim our God-given rights and live together in harmony with each other.

What a beautiful thought. Take care

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