What's Behind The Veil/

What is beyond the veil and what does that mean for humanity? Our systems of living life on this planet have continued for a long, long time. There are questions about “Why?”, “How did these systems evolve?” and “Who seems to be running the show?”

As we are beginning to get glimpses of various situations that appear to be “totally upside down” in a world that a loving, living God would have created for his human family, we recognize the fact that our world does not appear very loving to many on the lovely planet. Especially today, when we see war looming on the horizon, poverty levels increasing, international “pandemics”, extreme storms, and more mental illness and drug use for unhappy people.

Something is causing our world to appear more and more upside down.

lifting the veil

Whether we want to recognize this upside-down lifestyle or not, it is all around us. Because of the lifting veil for us to recognize issues more clearly, more and more of our fellow human beings are recognizing these issues and becoming part of The Awakening Movement. This can be disturbingly shocking to those that that have accepted our current policies and belief in the systems we see around us.

Life may never be the same for some individuals.

As you will learn in the following video. There is a plan for humanity that has existed for more than many, many decades. Many people have lived and died without ever even realizing it. Our lifetime is the lifetime of lifting the veil so that God can be part of changing the deception. Whether you accept what you learn and continue your life as it is or consider making changes, is up to you. We are living in very eye-opening times. Biblically speaking, truths are laid out in front of us for us to see, because the veil of deception is lifting before our very eyes.

Truth is Showing As Humanity Awakens

There is a system of greed in our world.

Because of the “Worship of the Almighty Dollar“, we see good people become mesmerized by making more and more of it. The people become obsessed and there are many others carrying the evil inside them, to tempt these people that are so entranced in this system. Control is another feature that can override the loving, giving, and sharing nature of humans. The power that comes with control can be even more addicting to those that crave it.

The Great Awakening

Seeing Beyond The Veil Is Enlightenment

No matter what you experience in the coming days,

it is a time of change.

Hopefully, most of us find strength and peace in our new knowledge. We can look at this newfound information as one of our reasons for being on this planet in this time of change. When we see our lives as an important part of this Awakening process and accept this fact, we have an opportunity to find our “Reason for Being Alive” or “Purpose in Life”. (This purpose may be something that you have never even imagined as part of your future.) Keep an open mind, meditate, and pray. I do believe that if you are living on this planet today, it is a Gift from God (whatever you call your creator). There is a reason for each of us being here. This is not a “Service-To-Self” experience moment. This is a “Service-To-Others” moment, which will increase your life tenfold.

lifting the veil
The Truth is Inside of You

Changes For Better Lives For All Life On This Planet –

We Are All One –

Living Our Lives Through That Belief – Can Change Everything.

Thank you for Reading & Thank You For Sharing.

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